I speak a lot about conservative charlatans and grifters, in particular those who use religion to rip people off like evangelical Christian televangelists, corporate-style ministries, and the like. Those people are a huge problem in this country. However it's also worth mentioning that there's an entire industry of new-age grifters and con-artists who prey upon the alternative medicine crowd who can be just as greedy, and sometimes even more dangerous than their TV Preacher counterparts. In this video we discuss the practice of "Sungazing" which is a subset of a group of beliefs called "Inedia," that is a new-age belief derived from traditional Hindu medicine, in which people believe they can live without food or water just by staring at the sun and consuming "prana" (or spiritual energy.) This has lead the to deaths of at least five people since 1999, including most recently a one month year old child.
It's important to remember that just like how your conservative uncle can be vulnerable Qannon type conspiracy theories your super cool liberal/progressive aunt who's into power crystals or aroma therapy candles can be vulnerable to these people. Religious grifters know no race, color, or creed, and all they care about is money no matter who they hurt.
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