
Monday, December 6, 2021

WTF is "Let's Go Brandon?"


The capability of the right wing to completely miss the point and wear stupidity as a badge of honor will never cease to amaze me. These people truly believe the dumbest fucking shit.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Libertarianism sucks: Privatizing The Police


Part three of our discussion on Libertarianism. Today we're covering the libertarian, free market solution to essential government services, with a focus on policing. 

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Libertarianism Sucks: The Age of Consent


Second in a series of livestreams about why libertarianism sucks. Today we're exploring the strange phenomena of the obsessions from libertarians with attempting to weaken or remove the age of consent. 

  • A bit about the underlying philosophy adopted by most libertarians, specifically how human rights are derived from property rights, and why it's friendly to pedophiles 
  • Murry Rothbard's take on the rights of children, and how it should be legal to starve them to death, or sell them. 
  • Why we have age of consent laws in the first place. 
  • Examples of high profile libertarian and libertarian politicians who have made comments to the effect of eliminating the age of consent

Plus we continue with our illustration of the Oompa Loompas invading the Smurf village.


Tuesday, September 28, 2021

The Stupidest Vaccine Conspiracy Theory Ever


John Nolte is a conservative writer/blogger type person for Brietbart, and is quite possibly one of the worst people ever. A bonafide racist, sexist, warmongering anti-refugee misogynist who seems to only give a shit about himself and no one else, Nolte has sat down, thought really, really, really hard, and come up with quite possibly the dumbest take on Covid vaccines I've ever heard in my life. 

Here's this moron's theory: Liberals and progressives are telling Trump supporters to get vaccines because they know the Trump supporters will do the exact opposite, because they want them to get covid and die. This would mean that the evil masterplan that Biden and his tree-hugging compatriots came up with to enact a genocide of conservatives is to spend millions of dollars developing a vaccine to a deadly disease, give said vaccine away for free, and tell people to take it. 

Can somebody invent a portal gun, or a Tardis, or a spaceship or something so I can get off of this ridiculous

How do these morons even breathe?

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Libertarianism and Why It Sucks


Hello folks! This week is all about libertarianism and why I think it sucks. Topics include:

  • Why in the United States "Libertarianism" is nearly exclusively right wing compared to the rest of the world
  • Common Libertarian beliefs and their shortcomings
  • Yes, there are pro-war libertarians.
  • An extremely brief history of libertarians (like, extremely brief)
  • Why are there so many conspiracy theorists, racists, alternative medicine freaks, anti-vaxxers, MRM people, anti-maskers, Redpill assholes, gun nuts, religious freaks, preppers, sovereign citizens, and other assorted cranks under the Libertarian umbrella?
  • Some of my favorite wacky libertarian politicians
  • The libertarian to alt-right pipeline.

Plus we continue our illustration of the Oompa Loompas invading the Smurf village.


Friday, July 2, 2021

Critical Race Theory Makes Chud's Heads explode


Hello folks! For today's stream we'll be talking about some stuff in the news, some recent Trump news, conservative reactions to Juneteenth being a federal holiday, and conservative backlash against the made up "Critical Race Theory" paranoia. Plus we color some funny monsters.

What I really like is that not one conservative political commenter that I've seen over the last few weeks has any idea what "Critical Race Theory" even is. To be honest neither did I until all this shit started - because it's not something they teach you in schools, not grade school, not high school, not even college. It's something you study in law school. They took an obscure topic that nobody's ever heard of an manufactured this phony-baloney crisis that has "concerned parents" and other assorted right wingers hopping mad in the streets - and every single one of them has no idea what they're even mad about. You really have to admire the conservative bullshit machine sometimes, they really know how to manipulate their people.

The lesson for us is the people at the top of the conservative misinformation apparatus are extremely good at what they do, that is scaring their people and driving them into hysterics. It makes it all the more important for those of us who have the ability to push back. Use the same social media tactics they do. Push back and spread the truth, in every way that you can, because the fate of the country really does depend on it.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Stupid Things People Say About The Pandemic


Today we're talking about all the different untruths and misinformation about the pandemic and Covid-19, including conspiracies about the disease, 5G cell towers, the vaccine, Dr. Fauci, the lab-escape theory, and so on.

Get vaccinated everyone.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Conservatives Love Cancel Culture! Politics & Art Stream


Subjects for this week’s stream include:

  • An update on Matt Gaetz, what he’s being investigated for, and a brief discussion of the criminal indictments against his friend Joel Greeburg.
  •  Matt Gaetz’s voting record shows he’s a pile of diseased squirrel anuses shaped into the semblance of a human being and stuffed into a three dollar suit who was born rich and has gotten everything he’s ever wanted and is quite possibly being held accountable for the first time in his entire life for anything.
  • Nick Fuentes defends Gaetz by disparaging age of consent laws and proves that white nationalist redpill alpha-male wanna-bes are unable to get laid.
  • All the things conservatives have cancelled over the years, including Disney, Starbucks, Keurig, Target, the NFL, Nike, Univision, Gillette razors, and more.
  • Dan Crenshaw spews b.s. and lies to the public’s face about corporations.
  • Mitch McConnell is butthurt that corporations don’t like voter suppression. - Marjorie Taylor Greene is not intelligent enough to understand the difference between communisim and fascism, and also doesn’t know how to use google.

Plus we draw some hideous monsters and stuff.


Sunday, April 4, 2021

The Satanic Panic Returns! - Politics & Art Stream


We talk about the Satanic Panic, what it was and how it started, as well as modern iterations of it such as the backlash against Lil Nas X or the Qannon conspiracy. 

Subjects include:

  • What exactly is the Satanic Panic, how it started, and a brief history of it
  • How the Christians have been on the wrong side of pretty much everything
  • The Satanic Panic as a thinly veiled mask for racism and antisemitism 
  • Some examples of frauds and charlatans who perpetuate this conspiracy theory

Plus we draw some evil hideous monster stuff. 

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Republicans Were Always Violent

Originally published 2/16/21

Hello folks. The first half of the stream deals with Trump's second impeachment, specifically with the unabashed bias and in-your-face corruption of Republican senators who refused to convict him. In the second half we go over a very brief history of political violence committed by Republican voters and supporters, such as assaults at Trump rallies, violence by groups such as the Proud Boys, the endemic of injuries from BLM protestors being assaulted by cars, and so on. We also look at some recent polls outlining beliefs of Americans on social issues, and speculate on what it all means.

Plus we finally finish drawing hour hideous monster piece.


Monday, February 1, 2021

The Fight Against Fascism Is Not Over - Politics & Art Stream

 Hello folks. Subjects we talk about in today's stream:

  • Joe Biden's first day executive orders
  • What's going on with Reddit & Gamestocks, why it's great and why we should not cry for wallstreet and hedegefunds anyway because F those people
  • Representative Marjorie Talyor Greene (R - GA) is a Qanon nutback who is completely out of her mind and should be removed from power.

Plus we draw some hideous monster stuff.


Friday, January 29, 2021

WTF is going on with Gamestop?


Gamestop stonks, market manipulation, hedge funds, and Reddit. We talk about how the rich and powerful shit their pants when normal people do the exact same thing to them that they do to us. Who would've thought that a bunch of worthless shitposters on reddit would challenge the one percent? These are truly strange times.

Also this is not financial advice. I am not an investment professional. I am a noob and don't know what I'm doing, do not invest based on what I say in this video.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

MAGA Is America's Cancer - Politics & Art Stream

We talk about the continuing fallout from the attempted right wing insurrection on January 6th, who these people were, who was there, and the aftermath where finally people are pushing back. Plus we draw some monsters and stuff.

Subjects include:

  • Entitled right wingers crying like babies as they get arrested because they were too stupid to not post pics and video of themselves breaking into the capitol to social media
  • Don't let the right wing whitewash what actually happened
  • Multiple well known hate groups that were at the capitol riot, including the Three percenters, Proud Boys, Anticom, etc.

These people are planning more violence for the next week, if you live near the downtown area of a major city please be safe. The fight never ends, all we can do is stay vigilant.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Maga Melts Down Into Conservative Conspiracies - Politics & art stream

 Hey folks, hope you're all having a good new year. Subjects for today's live stream: Right wing conspiracy nuts take on the Christmas day bomber, Wtf are the Proud Girls, Trump and family create shell company to rip off $600 million in campaign funds. Plus we draw some monster stuff.

So I find myself drifting towards talking about debunking conspiracy theories and such in my latest livestreams, is this a direction you think I should continue in?

Monday, January 4, 2021

Hypocrite Republicans Use Spending To Kill The Progressive Agenda


So the $600 stimulus check has passed, and the fight is on to expand this into $2,000, which even our ridiculous president is in favor of. This of course is being blocked by Mitch McConell and the Republicans, all in the name of "fiscal responsibility." In this video I take a quick look at how Republicans use spending to stop liberals and progressives from enacting any of their agenda, but are all too happy to ignore mounting debt when it comes to military spending, or cutting taxes for the super rich, as well as a quick comparison between Austrian (supply side) vs. Keynesian economics (demand side) and which one actually makes sense. This is what we have to look forward to over the next four years.

Hypocrites, every last one of them.