Hello everyone. So my channel got suspended! Like with no warning. Just woke up this morning, and it was gone.
Well... shit. I mean I think I have a pretty good idea of why (see video for details.) So of course I appealed the ban, but I really doubt they'll re-enable it. It's pretty much impossible to get someone on the phone. There's a customer service number that nobody answers. They only send you automated responses to emails. So it could end up being permanent/
Which of course sucks donkey balls, but maybe this might end up being a good thing. A chance to start over, and only upload the best of the best. To be honest a lot of the videos I did have up really weren't that good. Most of them were topical - so who's going to watch a video about stories that were current in the news five years ago? I also had a lot of game reviews, movie reviews, toy reviews, and other stuff that didn't really fit in with the channel anymore. So maybe it'll be better to clean all that old stuff out.
So I'll spend the rest of this week re-uploading those videos I deem to be worthy. Even if they do reenable the old channel I think I'll keep this one, and use it as the primary. Maybe one day I'll make a thing where if anyone wants to watch those old episodes we can put them on DVD or do a digital download thing, or something. Anyway, if you were subbed to my old channel, please come by and sub again.