
Monday, January 13, 2025

Daniel Penny Gets Away with it


    Do any of you out there remember Jordan Neely? Don't feel bad if you can't, his was but just another tragedy in the endless stream of shitstorms that have been the last couple of years. Long story short, Jordan Neely was a homeless person who was essentially murdered by yet another white vigilante, strangled to death for the crime of being hungry and shouting at people on the subway.

    See, the right wing in this country really likes vigilantes, on two conditions: 1) The Vigilante is white, and 2) The Victim is black, or a "liberal." The first pseudo-example I remember of this was George Zimmerman, the shooter of Trayvon Martin back in 2015. He didn't fit the profile exactly (Zimmerman was a latino after all,) but the next example sure did: Kyle Rittenhouse. 

    Rittenhouse was the first white vigilante to parlay the death of his victims into a full blown career as a right-wing influencer, and he rode the grifter wave hard. He did all the talk shows, did guest appearances at TP USA events, went on all the right-wing chud grifter podcasts, and even has his own video game FFS. The right wing media machine saw they had a star, and they used Rittenhouse to spread their hateful agenda just as much as Rittenhouse used them for monetary gain. And all he had to do was blow two people away.

    But all stars eventually fade. Rittenhouse just doesn't turn heads the way he used to. Sure he's still a Z-grade conservative grifter celebrity - but when was the last time Rittenhouse was in the news? So the right wing hate machine as been trying to create a new white vigilante superstar ever since. A few may-have-beens have come and gone in the last few years - the guy who shot two people to death in Panama for the crime of protesting in the road comes to mind - but nobody has had the same kind of pull that Rittenhouse had, nobody has had that same pizzazz. Nobody except for Daniel Penny.

    Daniel Penny has it all - he's young, he's white, he's an ex-marine. He could easily pass for your typical American male, the kind of guy who drives a pickup truck and knows a little too much about football. He also has what Rittenhouse doesn't: He's tall, he's reasonably good looking. He doesn't look like an overgrown child. You don't expect to see his mom show up to bring him his inhaler. He looks tough. 

    And the right-wing media A-holes have been pushing Daniel Penny over the last few weeks, and pushing him hard. He's been on Fox Nation, been interviewed with that drunken maniac Janine Piro. JD Vance had him as a special guest during the Army-Navy football game. This is only the beginning for Daniel Penny, as it's plain as day his future as a conservative white vigilante  Maga Grifter is there for the taking so should he choose. And thus the right-wing hate machine chugs ever onward, exploiting those by whom it is also exploited by, spreading hate and fear and making Republicans rich at the expense of everything else that really matters.

    All it took was one hungry man being strangled to death because he made too much noise.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Suddenly Everyone Remembers Health Insurance SUCKS after CEO shooting


    So unless you've been living on a deserted island you know what's been going on with the United Healthcare CEO shooting. And honestly I'm not surprised this has happened, in fact I'm surprised that it doesn't happen more often.

    More than anything, I see this whole story as a failure of leadership. Corporate oppression is an issue that cuts across party lines, especially when it comes to health insurance  - we ALL get the spikey dildo from the insurance companies, and everyone hates them. But when was the last time you heard anyone talking about it? When was the last time you heard any politician try to take on the health insurance companies? Where are the leaders on the left and in the democratic party on this, what are they doing and what is their plan? And I say "democrat" and "the left" because the conservatives and Republicans have already shown us they could care less if you live or die. Republicans do not give a shit if you have insurance. Trump has had eight years, and he still only has "concepts" of a plan. (Anyone remember when he claimed his healthcare plan would be unveiled in "two weeks?" Those were the days.) 

    I just wish that it didn't take a rich person getting blown away for us to start talking about the problems in this country.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Hot Take: Joe Biden Pardons Hunter

 President Biden has finally done what he should've done two years ago and pardoned his son Hunter, and for some reason this seems to be causing rending of clothing and gnashing of teeth amongst the Democratic establishment. This is mainly because I think the Democrats, as an institution, are not adverse to abusing power, but rather don't like the appearance of doing so. This is very different from the Republicans, who just do whatever they want and dgaf. I think if there's one lesson that the Democrats need to learn about their massive failure in 2024, it's that it really doesn't matter anymore what a president does, what he says, or even what his policies are - all that really matters is how people feel. I mean, Trump does and says the most horrible things and his policies are complete dogshit that ruin people's lives, but somehow people still vote for him - and when he does stuff like pardon Steve Bannon for ripping off his own followers to the tune of a million dollars nobody said a god damn thing. It was barely in the news for more than an afternoon. Maybe the Democrats should learn the lesson and start actually not worrying about optics so much. 

Also, if the idea of a president using his power to directly benefit himself and his family enrages you, then get ready because you're really going to hate the next four years. That's what happens when people don't vote.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

CHUDS Threaten Violence (again,) Over Trump's Ban From ME Ballot


Back in 2016 when Hillary was the favorite to win the election all the Trump people started threatening a second civil war if he lost. In 2020 when it was clear Biden was going to take it they did the same thing - and then they showed up at the capital in a giant mob and tried to murder Congress and stop the certification on January 6th. Now four years later Trump is finally starting to be held accountable for the crime of trying to steal the election, and the MAGA chud douchebags are threatening violence again. These morons have been screaming for a second civil war now for years, crying like little babies every time they lose an election, coming up with ever more ridiculous conspiracy theories, and blaming everyone but themselves as to why they fail so much. I say bring it assholes. 

What really gets me is that these idiots are ready to rip the country apart over Donald Trump, who is quite possibly the most vile, corrupt, and overall selfish human being who's ever been involved in American politics. This is the one man who truly does not give a flying shit about anyone other than himself. His every action is calculated purely for his own gain. He would literally sell each and every one of these red-hat wearing morons out without a second thought, and yet millions of these dupes are ready to destroy their own country to support him. It's truly depressing. 

I always thought that the United States would collapse due to something like a world war or some other grand catastrophe. I didn't know all it would take is one piece of shit reality TV star.

Friday, January 5, 2024

CHUD Morons Claim Aquaman Tanked Because of "Wokeness"


Have you guys seen Aquaman yet? It's not a bad movie, if you liked the first one then you'll like this one. It's got lots of action, good creature effects, giant monsters, great fun. Unfortunately it isn't doing too well, with one of the weakest opening weekends in recent history (a paltry 27$ million, which is even worse than the Marvels.) There could be many reasons why this film didn't do too well - of course if you're a Conservative-CHUD-anti-woke-sigma-red-hat-wearing-alpha-male-patriot-MAGA-idiot-culture-warrior type then the only reason anything ever bombs is because of "wokeness." 

I mean, I think Aquaman bombed because the character of Aquaman isn't that popular, and like 6 different superhero movies were released in 2023 (Guardians of the Galaxy 3, Ant Man 3, The Marvels, Black Adam, Blue Beetle, and Aquaman 2,) and since it costs like twenty bucks a ticket nowadays (let alone all the popcorn, candy, soda and whatever else) most people are choosing to just skip the movies they're only marginally interested in, and who can blame them? But nope - it must obviously be because there's a pro-environmental message to the movie, and plus some girl is in it that MAGA Chuds don't like or whatever. Such baloney. Please join us while we review one of these low-effort "comicgate" videos as it drives hatred through conservative virtue signaling in order to get clicks. Truly the world we live in is broken.

Also, go see Aquaman, it's actually pretty good. 

Friday, August 18, 2023

MAGA CHUDS Venerate Domestic Terrorist Who Threatened President


You know it used to be a criticism that the Republicans and conservatives would lob at the Democrats and progressives that the left wing was "violent." I'm not sure where this criticism came from, but it was a staple in conservative online spaces roughly 15 years ago or so. You'd go to a website or forum or something and there'd be rules of decorum - "no name calling or threats allowed!" "Treat each other with respect!" etc. And it was a standard go-to stereotype among conservatives and christians and such that "leftists" were always rude and devoid of substantive thought, and would instantly revert to name calling, insults, and violence in any given situation. Which was funny because of course these "rules" were typically only enforced against leftists, progressives, liberals, etc.

My how times have changed. Less than a generation later and all pretense of "civility" has gone straight down the toilet. It really is amazing how the character of online conservatives is the complete opposite of what it was just a decade ago.

The case of Craig Robertson is a perfect expaple, a 75 year old man who threatened to assasinate President Biden, and had the tools, training, and equipment to do it. The man seemed to revel in making public threats against Biden, Obama, and many other prominent Democratic public figures - which is illegal. That is to say, it is illegal to threaten anyone, but it's really doubly especially illegal to threaten the President. The Secert Service doesn't just ignore it when some lunatic with a sniper rilfe makes public posts about how he's going to murder the President of the United States.

But it's the conservative reaction to Craig Robertson which really gets me. During the Bush years, in the early days of the web 2.0 days, occasionally a news story would pop up of some insane right-winger making threats, planning a terrorist attack, or going on a mass shooting - and it would get universal condemnation from everyone on the right wing. All of the politicians, pundits, everyone would speak up loudly against it. Not anymore - now the most common reaction from a conservative is to celebrate the violence.

There always was this undercurrent of violence simmering just under the surface of conservative politics, going back as far as I can remember. 7 years of Trumpisim has brought that to a full rolling boil. These people have truly lost their minds to the point where they're defending murderers, criminals, rapits, and traitors. When you start making excuses for why the ex-prresident is allowed to break the law you know the shit is going down soon.

Get out there and vote, Yo. The crazies are just getting crazier every single day, if we don't stop them then no one will.

Monday, June 12, 2023

Hot Take - Trump indicted AGAIN, Nobody Surprised.


You know, it seems like we've been talking about Trump in one way or anther every week (sometimes every day) since 2016. He just refuses to go away. It really blows me away how people can see all the ridiculous criminal shenanigans  this POS gets up to and still want him to have his finger on the nuclear trigger. Anyway Trump has FINALLY been indicted for his thievery of multiple top secret documents (numbering in the hundreds.) Please remember the story broke about him absconding with this top secret material more than a year ago, and they're just now getting around to charging and arresting him. Just another example of how Trump is quite possibly the most privileged person on the face of the Earth at this moment. 

Will he actually go to jail? Who knows. I mean, if it he were a normal person like you or I his ass would've been rotting in Guantanamo five minutes after walking out the door with top secret material, but this is Trump so he gets to get away with literally everything. Then again, if you were to ask me if he would've even been charged with this a year ago I would've speculated no, so maybe there is a god.